Why are you still fat???
Okay, so maybe you're not fat. Maybe you only have 10 pounds to lose. Whatever the amount, why do you still have more fat on your body than you want?
Losing your fat is
simple; it's just not "instant." You don't see the results right away, but you must believe your efforts are working, and you must use a scale to keep you honest and accountable.

I'm not saying that losing your fat doesn't take
effort. It takes a lot of effort, but it's primarily
mental effort. You have to want it enough to go hungry and to change your eating/exercising/living habits. You can't do that? Then you don't want it badly enough.
Once again,
losing your fat is simple. You must expend more calories than you consume. How you do that is up to you. There are thousands of weight-loss books, journals, programs and gurus who can help you find a way
(and charge you thousands of dollars in the process). Or you can do it on your own, by counting calories and listening to your body's very individual nutritional needs.
My advice? Save all that money for a new wardrobe or a trip to celebrate your weight loss.
You're smart enough to do this without making someone else rich in the process. I lined a few pockets myself--for 45 years' worth of diet programs--until I discovered the secret to permanent weight loss resided within me. And it doesn't take years! You can be the size of your dreams in months if you just start now!
Remember that new weight-loss program you started last year?
What happened? Why aren't you skinny yet? If you weren't able to stick to that program, it wasn't right for you. Let your own body write your next program. That's how I did it. That's why I wrote a book that only costs $2.99...you see, it was so simple that I think you deserve to be thin too.
I'm Jan Manning, and
Bucket List Weight Loss is my e-book. See it here: