Help! I've fallen and I can't get up (yet)!
It was eight days ago I messed up my left knee while out cavorting with the dogs one morning. I don't even know what or when it happened...but that night I could scarcely walk, and the situation hasn't markedly improved over the past week.
So I'm bummed. The knee is what has set me back twice in the past two years now, and it's getting old. No, it's not arthritis. No, it's not a meniscus tear. I've had all that checked out with MRIs and the works. It's mostly likely a minuscule piece of SOMETHING floating around in there, and every so often it floats to the wrong spot and wreaks havoc. A very good young physical therapist at VA gave me an innovative exercise that eliminated the pain for a long while. I mean, the knee was perfect. And then...last Monday the injury...and here we go again.
When your knee hurts, you wince with every step and walk funny. That makes your hips, back and feet hurt. Your legs hurt. Your shoulders hurt because you're tensing with anticipatory pain as you move. Pretty soon you're walking--or shuffling--like a 90-year-old person, right? Of course you all know this. Anyone over the age of 40 knows what it's like. And of course it seems to get worse with age.
But should we really accept these aches and pains as part of aging? I think not! There's too much we can do these days to help ourselves eliminate, minimize, or at least manage pain. I could spend a fortune on essential oils, supplements, turmeric, Epsom salts and whatever...and those may help me as much as my Excedrin. What I really want to do, however, is get to the root cause of the growing pain, and fix it at the source. So I'm exploring options.
To start with, I'm considering dietary changes. I hate the very thought of having to FORCE myself to stick to any regimen (that really goes against my concepts in Bucket List Weight Loss, which stresses "intuitive eating"). But something in my life is causing excessive connective tissue inflammation, and I'm suspecting food sensitivities. So I'm cutting out--or certainly cutting back on--sugar for a while. Maybe 3 weeks. Just long enough that I can see if there's any difference. It's scary, because sugar is out there everywhere. But my motivation is no longer just about looking good or seeing the scale drop. Now it's about my future ability to move, to play, to train my dogs, ride my horses, and live the life that's normal for me.
What's your motivation to lose weight or improve your health? Don't say it's a high school reunion or your daughter's upcoming wedding or a vacation to Hawaii. Make your picture much bigger. Make it your bucket list item....something that will satisfy you and help you stay fit to live the rest of your life the way you choose. It's your body, your life, and your choice. Choose to stay where you are and get worse....or choose to make yourself better and happier.
So I've been away from the scale for a couple days--yes, I've fallen, and I can't get up yet. But I will. When I can step onto the Wii without wincing, and stand up straight and tall for my balance test, I will do so again. Until then, just getting to that point is my new goal. In the meantime....goodbye, sugar plums!
Based on the book, "Bucket List Weight Loss," by Jan Manning, available at, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other major book retailers.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Hunger at bedtime
Last night I sat in bed playing Scrabble on my iPad before turning off the reading light. It's a nightly ritual that helps me unwind and quiet my mind so I can effortlessly drift off to sleep. Hubby was already lying down with eyes closed and reading light off.
"What's that?" he said, thinking one of the dogs on our feet is having a nightmare.
"It's my stomach," I replied, relishing a secret delight in the sound.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yup." Why was I so smugly gleeful? Because I knew I'd taken care of myself, had made it through the evening without ingesting any 6,000-calorie "snacks," and would promptly fall asleep with clear conscience and a calm gut. Plus...I would awaken in the morning feeling refreshed (without a food hangover), energized, and prepared to see happy numbers when I stepped on the scale .
One of my favorite Bucket List Weight Loss concepts is #4: "Hunger is good." Hunger, however, is an acquired taste, like single-malt Scotch or craft beers (here I go again on alcohol...) You have to learn what it is, what you're feeling and why, and what it can do for you.
If you're like me (and I already know you are), you feel different types of hunger at different times. Here are my main types:
The only sensation I really feel obligated to acknowledge is the "low blood sugar." There's a stark difference between feeling acidy or growly and feeling weak and light-headed. I try to avoid getting to #3, because that's my body telling me I've waited a tad too long to nourish it, and I'd better give it something of value in a hurry to keep it functioning.
Learning to identify and react appropriately to hunger takes a lot of UN-learning of conditioned responses. Throughout our lives we've practiced the philosophy of "eat when hungry." Our mealtime lectures were about starving children in Africa. Our Depression-era parents (many of whom experienced true deprivation hunger) wanted to protect us from ever feeling hunger. As a result, our first response to a hunger sensation in our gut is "I gotta eat" or even "I get to eat now." It's like a ringing phone or a clanging alarm clock. It elicits a learned reaction from us, and we feel we need to do something about it immediately.
But when I'm all tucked in bed at 11pm, with cozy jammies, clean sheets, my husband, several dogs and an iPad, it's just way too much bother to disrupt them all, get up, go downstairs to the kitchen and "have a little something" to quell my #2 hunger. Besides, the last thing my gut needs at this time of night is more food to process. I know I'll sleep much better, and my gut will be more rested and refreshed, if I just turn off the light and get prone.
That's why I'm sitting here now at 6:30am in pre-dawn darkness. Hubby and dogs all went back to bed after the 6am feeding; that's the ritual. But I don't require any more sleep this morning because I went to bed hungry and actually rested my body all night. And in a few minutes I'll go downstairs and weigh in on the Wii, expecting positive results. What a great way to start the day!
Last night I sat in bed playing Scrabble on my iPad before turning off the reading light. It's a nightly ritual that helps me unwind and quiet my mind so I can effortlessly drift off to sleep. Hubby was already lying down with eyes closed and reading light off.
"What's that?" he said, thinking one of the dogs on our feet is having a nightmare.
"It's my stomach," I replied, relishing a secret delight in the sound.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yup." Why was I so smugly gleeful? Because I knew I'd taken care of myself, had made it through the evening without ingesting any 6,000-calorie "snacks," and would promptly fall asleep with clear conscience and a calm gut. Plus...I would awaken in the morning feeling refreshed (without a food hangover), energized, and prepared to see happy numbers when I stepped on the scale .
One of my favorite Bucket List Weight Loss concepts is #4: "Hunger is good." Hunger, however, is an acquired taste, like single-malt Scotch or craft beers (here I go again on alcohol...) You have to learn what it is, what you're feeling and why, and what it can do for you.
If you're like me (and I already know you are), you feel different types of hunger at different times. Here are my main types:
- #1. That acidy sensation of an "empty" stomach after a huge meal about six hours earlier.
- #2. The growly, truly hollow feeling of a stomach that doesn't have anything to do.
- #3. The "low blood sugar" feeling of light-headedness, sweating and mild nausea..
The only sensation I really feel obligated to acknowledge is the "low blood sugar." There's a stark difference between feeling acidy or growly and feeling weak and light-headed. I try to avoid getting to #3, because that's my body telling me I've waited a tad too long to nourish it, and I'd better give it something of value in a hurry to keep it functioning.
Learning to identify and react appropriately to hunger takes a lot of UN-learning of conditioned responses. Throughout our lives we've practiced the philosophy of "eat when hungry." Our mealtime lectures were about starving children in Africa. Our Depression-era parents (many of whom experienced true deprivation hunger) wanted to protect us from ever feeling hunger. As a result, our first response to a hunger sensation in our gut is "I gotta eat" or even "I get to eat now." It's like a ringing phone or a clanging alarm clock. It elicits a learned reaction from us, and we feel we need to do something about it immediately.
But when I'm all tucked in bed at 11pm, with cozy jammies, clean sheets, my husband, several dogs and an iPad, it's just way too much bother to disrupt them all, get up, go downstairs to the kitchen and "have a little something" to quell my #2 hunger. Besides, the last thing my gut needs at this time of night is more food to process. I know I'll sleep much better, and my gut will be more rested and refreshed, if I just turn off the light and get prone.
That's why I'm sitting here now at 6:30am in pre-dawn darkness. Hubby and dogs all went back to bed after the 6am feeding; that's the ritual. But I don't require any more sleep this morning because I went to bed hungry and actually rested my body all night. And in a few minutes I'll go downstairs and weigh in on the Wii, expecting positive results. What a great way to start the day!
Embrace your #1 and #2 hunger! It means you're in control!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Ouch. Ooh! Ughghghggh...
So I overdid it with the exercise yesterday. I was feeling so good about having completed some very major projects in my life that I let loose all my energy...and today I'm paying the price for overindulgence in the energy expenditure department.

But when Don Draper's teenage daughter caught him in bed with the neighbor lady....well, I just had to watch a little more of the next episode. Pretty soon I'd been recumbent peddling for 60 minutes nonstop. By then it was 8am and time to walk the dogs. So the four of us (three dogs and me) stampeded outside to do about five loops of our driveway. Again, I was feeling good and got carried away...
- Jog 50 steps
- Grapevine 50 steps
- Jog 75 steps
- Sidestep 50 steps one side, 50 steps the other side
- High knees 50 steps
- Jog 50 steps
- Etc.
It was the "etc." that did me in. By mid-afternoon I realized I'd inflamed both knees.
I meant to take some Excedrin (my drug of choice) but never got around to it. So by 11pm I needed a crane to lift me into bed. Lessons learned:
- STAY AHEAD OF MUSCLE PAIN with anti-inflammatories when necessary
- DO NOT JOG IN SNOW BOOTS! (Not even my wonderful Keens)
The good news: I was back down to 158 pounds this morning. Hoping for a "whoosh" some time this week.
Drink your water and keep moving, even if it's just one little muscle at a time. And while you're sitting there wiggling your toes, order a copy of Bucket List Weight Loss for a friend or relative. At about $10, it's a great stocking stuffer that could change their lives.
Click here to order the book.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The Miracle Drink
Shame on me! I missed my weigh-in yesterday because I had to be up and out the door by 7:30am.. Today I paid the price. The scale was back up to 159.7, probably because I hardly drank any water at all yesterday and topped off the night with an Irish coffee and a salty cheese sandwich. The fact that I hadn't eaten all day didn't help me at all. My body only responded to what I DID eat, and it was the wrong thing at the wrong time, which threw my system completely off.
Water is just about the greatest gift we can give our bodies. When we go all day without drinking, as I did yesterday because I was so busy running around town for 12 hours, our bodies build up toxins that just sit there making us feel worse. The body is, after all, like a miraculous machine, which needs coolants and lubrication as much as any other engine. If you fail to quench your car's thirst for coolants and oil, it will eventually burn up and quit working. Our bodies are the same way.
Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. Start with small sips throughout the day....just enough to refresh your mouth. As you swallow it, feel the coolness trickling down your esophagus and distributing itself through your digestive organs. Within seconds you'll also feel it affect your brain, bringing added alertness to your thinking processes. I've found it to be better and quicker at reviving me than a bottle of 5-Hour Energy or an espresso. Plus, it doesn't give me the shakes or make me irritable...and it's a lot cheaper than any other elixir!
When I told my massage therapist last week that I was stiff and sore every morning when I got out of bed, she asked me how much water I was drinking. I fibbed and said, "About 64 ounces a day," when it was really more like 40 at the most. She told me to drink more water, and that I was probably dehydrated. I do recall that when I weight 142 pounds I didn't hurt anywhere....and those were the days when I was drinking nearly two gallons of water each day. Hmm...maybe there really is a correlation!
Anyway, water is one of the keys in my 11 concepts for Bucket List Weight Loss. In fact, it's #11. I guess maybe I saved the best and easiest one for last.
This is fixing to be a rough week, weight wise. I'll be doing all the baking and food prep for a large party next Sunday, so I'll at least be tasting things that aren't good for me while I'm in the kitchen. To prepare, I'll mentally rehearse my day each morning right before I get up I'll plan to be hungry, to drink water, to exercise, to walk the dogs, and to care less about the food I'm preparing than the people for whom I'm preparing it.
It's getting to be a rough time of year for all of us who are trying not to gain weight. Keep reminding yourself that Christmas is not about cookies and fudge.
It's about the birth of a savior. The gift of Christmas is just as great whether or not we have spritz cookies and chocolate covered pretzels.
Shame on me! I missed my weigh-in yesterday because I had to be up and out the door by 7:30am.. Today I paid the price. The scale was back up to 159.7, probably because I hardly drank any water at all yesterday and topped off the night with an Irish coffee and a salty cheese sandwich. The fact that I hadn't eaten all day didn't help me at all. My body only responded to what I DID eat, and it was the wrong thing at the wrong time, which threw my system completely off.
Water is just about the greatest gift we can give our bodies. When we go all day without drinking, as I did yesterday because I was so busy running around town for 12 hours, our bodies build up toxins that just sit there making us feel worse. The body is, after all, like a miraculous machine, which needs coolants and lubrication as much as any other engine. If you fail to quench your car's thirst for coolants and oil, it will eventually burn up and quit working. Our bodies are the same way.
Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. Start with small sips throughout the day....just enough to refresh your mouth. As you swallow it, feel the coolness trickling down your esophagus and distributing itself through your digestive organs. Within seconds you'll also feel it affect your brain, bringing added alertness to your thinking processes. I've found it to be better and quicker at reviving me than a bottle of 5-Hour Energy or an espresso. Plus, it doesn't give me the shakes or make me irritable...and it's a lot cheaper than any other elixir!
When I told my massage therapist last week that I was stiff and sore every morning when I got out of bed, she asked me how much water I was drinking. I fibbed and said, "About 64 ounces a day," when it was really more like 40 at the most. She told me to drink more water, and that I was probably dehydrated. I do recall that when I weight 142 pounds I didn't hurt anywhere....and those were the days when I was drinking nearly two gallons of water each day. Hmm...maybe there really is a correlation!
Anyway, water is one of the keys in my 11 concepts for Bucket List Weight Loss. In fact, it's #11. I guess maybe I saved the best and easiest one for last.
This is fixing to be a rough week, weight wise. I'll be doing all the baking and food prep for a large party next Sunday, so I'll at least be tasting things that aren't good for me while I'm in the kitchen. To prepare, I'll mentally rehearse my day each morning right before I get up I'll plan to be hungry, to drink water, to exercise, to walk the dogs, and to care less about the food I'm preparing than the people for whom I'm preparing it.

It's about the birth of a savior. The gift of Christmas is just as great whether or not we have spritz cookies and chocolate covered pretzels.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Feeling stronger every day
The scale forgave me this morning for the Bailey's Irish Cream I lapped up before bed last night. I am down to 157.9. As I mentioned in Bucket List Weight Loss, I weigh in front of the TV with the Nintendo Wii. It not only presents you (gently) with your daily weight and bodyfat percentage, but it also provides a graph showing your weight changes over the past few days. I love seeing the steady downward trend! It's a potent visual reminder that what I'm doing really is working.
The more reminders we receive, the more likely we are to continue the trend. That's one of the reasons daily weighing is so crucial. When we don't actually see the numbers, it's easy for us to coast along in denial. The scale tells the truth. So does the Wii graph. So does the Wii's little animated voice that says either "That's great!" or "That's overweight."
If you've ever lost a lot of weight, you know how fun it is to receive the comments from people. That's good reinforcing feedback too. Seeing, hearing and feeling our weight loss successes all reinforce the good feelings we have about ourselves. They say that if you hear something enough times, you'll eventually start to believe it. That's how it is with compliments about your weight loss. When enough people say to you, "Gosh, you're looking great!" or "Wow, you're so skinny," you'll eventually start to believe it. You'll start FEELING and ACTING like a thin person....eating like a thin person, and making the same dietary and activity choices as a thin person. As they say, success breeds success.
Along the way--while you're waiting for those compliments to start coming--go ahead and treat yourself to something that will make you feel good about yourself NOW.
I got my haircut today, and I feel like a new person. Other suggestions: a manicure and/or pedicure, a new makeup product, a piece of jewelry that's different from the style you usually wear. Give yourself a facial. If you can afford one, hire a personal trainer. Do things you know your inner thin person would likely do.
Tomorrow I'll probably be back up, due to the leftover turkey dressing I had for dinner. A double no-no for me, as I try to avoid bread (particularly bread soaked in butter and turkey grease!) and salty stuff. However, I did work out this morning, and I did take the dogs for a couple very energetic walks. One of them is snoring in her crate behind me right now. I guess I tired her out. Maybe that's why my eyes are going closed right now too. Time for bed!
The scale forgave me this morning for the Bailey's Irish Cream I lapped up before bed last night. I am down to 157.9. As I mentioned in Bucket List Weight Loss, I weigh in front of the TV with the Nintendo Wii. It not only presents you (gently) with your daily weight and bodyfat percentage, but it also provides a graph showing your weight changes over the past few days. I love seeing the steady downward trend! It's a potent visual reminder that what I'm doing really is working.
The more reminders we receive, the more likely we are to continue the trend. That's one of the reasons daily weighing is so crucial. When we don't actually see the numbers, it's easy for us to coast along in denial. The scale tells the truth. So does the Wii graph. So does the Wii's little animated voice that says either "That's great!" or "That's overweight."
If you've ever lost a lot of weight, you know how fun it is to receive the comments from people. That's good reinforcing feedback too. Seeing, hearing and feeling our weight loss successes all reinforce the good feelings we have about ourselves. They say that if you hear something enough times, you'll eventually start to believe it. That's how it is with compliments about your weight loss. When enough people say to you, "Gosh, you're looking great!" or "Wow, you're so skinny," you'll eventually start to believe it. You'll start FEELING and ACTING like a thin person....eating like a thin person, and making the same dietary and activity choices as a thin person. As they say, success breeds success.
Along the way--while you're waiting for those compliments to start coming--go ahead and treat yourself to something that will make you feel good about yourself NOW.
I got my haircut today, and I feel like a new person. Other suggestions: a manicure and/or pedicure, a new makeup product, a piece of jewelry that's different from the style you usually wear. Give yourself a facial. If you can afford one, hire a personal trainer. Do things you know your inner thin person would likely do.
Tomorrow I'll probably be back up, due to the leftover turkey dressing I had for dinner. A double no-no for me, as I try to avoid bread (particularly bread soaked in butter and turkey grease!) and salty stuff. However, I did work out this morning, and I did take the dogs for a couple very energetic walks. One of them is snoring in her crate behind me right now. I guess I tired her out. Maybe that's why my eyes are going closed right now too. Time for bed!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Day 4 of Recovery: Changes in the wind!
This morning I was down to 159.8. How I long for the scale to say 145 again! At least I know for sure it can happen...and will again. In the meantime, I already feel more energy and even got by on two less hours of sleep last night.
In fact, I started a new (or re-started an old) morning routine today: getting up at 6am to work out in the basement after feeding the dogs. Usually my hubby takes care of this task and lets me slumber for another two hours. But this week I've been getting up to help with the new dog, and this morning I decided to just STAY UP and go to the basement to work out.
I cherish that quiet time down there, which I share only with Don Draper and the rest of the "Mad Men" staff via Netflix on my iPad. Each episode is 43 minutes--a perfect workout on the elliptical or exercise bike. This morning I threw in some abdominal work on the exercise ball to start regaining some core strength.
Two hours later I was at the massage therapist's, indulging in my twice-monthly regimen. I used to consider massage an extravagance, but have talked myself into considering it a necessary part of my health maintenance budget. Age is definitely catching up with me, and muscles get out of whack with much less effort. A combination of yoga (strengthening, stretching, and balance) and massage makes it possible for me to keep moving (Bucket List Weight Loss Concept #7). Believe me, without them I'd be more crippled than most of you who are older than I am.
In fact--you're sitting down, right? Wiggle your toes. Just stretch them up and down. Feels good, doesn't it? If you don't have toes (and even if you do), rotate your ankles. Now do some sitting leg raises. Tighten your quads. Now tighten your butt. Now roll your pelvis under and out, under and out. Feels really good, yes? Careful movement--even a little--can feel wonderful.
More movement feels even better. Flex and enjoy whatever muscles you have, and feel your body at work. THIS IS EXERCISE!! It warms your body, gets the blood circulating, and revives you from the inside out. And you don't even need to work up a sweat to achieve some of the benefits. Remember, your body was designed for MOVEMENT, not for sitting still. So move whatever you can, and keep it in motion.
More changes: tomorrow I'm getting a haircut. Last summer I had it radically layered, and recently I've been looking like an unkempt cocker spaniel as the layers grow out oh-so-slowly. Enough is enough.
So what changes have you made today? Empower yourself to have a better tomorrow.
This morning I was down to 159.8. How I long for the scale to say 145 again! At least I know for sure it can happen...and will again. In the meantime, I already feel more energy and even got by on two less hours of sleep last night.
In fact, I started a new (or re-started an old) morning routine today: getting up at 6am to work out in the basement after feeding the dogs. Usually my hubby takes care of this task and lets me slumber for another two hours. But this week I've been getting up to help with the new dog, and this morning I decided to just STAY UP and go to the basement to work out.

Two hours later I was at the massage therapist's, indulging in my twice-monthly regimen. I used to consider massage an extravagance, but have talked myself into considering it a necessary part of my health maintenance budget. Age is definitely catching up with me, and muscles get out of whack with much less effort. A combination of yoga (strengthening, stretching, and balance) and massage makes it possible for me to keep moving (Bucket List Weight Loss Concept #7). Believe me, without them I'd be more crippled than most of you who are older than I am.
In fact--you're sitting down, right? Wiggle your toes. Just stretch them up and down. Feels good, doesn't it? If you don't have toes (and even if you do), rotate your ankles. Now do some sitting leg raises. Tighten your quads. Now tighten your butt. Now roll your pelvis under and out, under and out. Feels really good, yes? Careful movement--even a little--can feel wonderful.
More movement feels even better. Flex and enjoy whatever muscles you have, and feel your body at work. THIS IS EXERCISE!! It warms your body, gets the blood circulating, and revives you from the inside out. And you don't even need to work up a sweat to achieve some of the benefits. Remember, your body was designed for MOVEMENT, not for sitting still. So move whatever you can, and keep it in motion.
More changes: tomorrow I'm getting a haircut. Last summer I had it radically layered, and recently I've been looking like an unkempt cocker spaniel as the layers grow out oh-so-slowly. Enough is enough.
So what changes have you made today? Empower yourself to have a better tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Day 3: How are we doing?
It's Dec. 3...the third day of our start toward gaining control of our eating, our health, and our lives.
I weighed in today at 160.1. Not much of a drop since Monday, but I swear I could see it in my face as soon as I got up this morning. I'll take it.
To what do I attribute my rapid weight loss of .9 pound since Monday? (I'm being facetious; I would have hoped for more, but obviously I didn't deserve any more than that.) Well, I gotta say it's probably a reduction in alcohol intake. On Monday I had none. On Tuesday I had 2 glasses of chardonnay after yoga class. I've been drinking a lot more water too.
The most remarkable thing I've done thus far, however, was to put back a bag of leftover turkey casserole that I'd just taken out of the fridge. This was my personal bag of emergency nutrition: a strange mix of leftover kale salad, Waldorf salad, brown rice and turkey. My husband would never eat that many weird things mixed together, so the bag is all mine. I dip into it when I get truly hungry. But yesterday when pulled it out of the fridge, I held it in my hand for just a moment and then realized, "Hey, my stomach really doesn't want this right now." And, just like that, I put it back in the fridge. That split second of communication between my mind and my stomach saved me from overindulging at that moment. I had a drink of water instead, and then--fairly impressed with myself--I sauntered out of the kitchen.
Oh, wait, I just remembered another positive event: I chose to not lick the spoon I'd used dish out my husband's salad dressing. It wasn't because I didn't want the calories. It was because I'd just brushed my teeth and I knew the garlic and cheese would leave a bad taste in my mouth--a taste I might be tempted to cover up by eating something else. Lesson learned: if you're tempted to eat something you shouldn't, go brush your teeth instead!
It's those little moments that add up to Bucket List Weight Loss. Communication with your gut is something I mention in BLWL Concept #2. That one's not about losing weight, but rather asking your stomach what it wants and listening for the answer. You have a miraculous machine down there which somehow manages to keep working regardless of the crap that our minds tell us to send down there. Have respect for it. Don't make it work so hard processing all that inferior fuel. Give it a rest.
That reminds me, I'm going to bed hungry tonight! Bring on that growly feeling!! I know tomorrow will be even better because of it!
Share your comments below!
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How I see myself in yoga |
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Closer to how I probably look in class |
I weighed in today at 160.1. Not much of a drop since Monday, but I swear I could see it in my face as soon as I got up this morning. I'll take it.
To what do I attribute my rapid weight loss of .9 pound since Monday? (I'm being facetious; I would have hoped for more, but obviously I didn't deserve any more than that.) Well, I gotta say it's probably a reduction in alcohol intake. On Monday I had none. On Tuesday I had 2 glasses of chardonnay after yoga class. I've been drinking a lot more water too.
The most remarkable thing I've done thus far, however, was to put back a bag of leftover turkey casserole that I'd just taken out of the fridge. This was my personal bag of emergency nutrition: a strange mix of leftover kale salad, Waldorf salad, brown rice and turkey. My husband would never eat that many weird things mixed together, so the bag is all mine. I dip into it when I get truly hungry. But yesterday when pulled it out of the fridge, I held it in my hand for just a moment and then realized, "Hey, my stomach really doesn't want this right now." And, just like that, I put it back in the fridge. That split second of communication between my mind and my stomach saved me from overindulging at that moment. I had a drink of water instead, and then--fairly impressed with myself--I sauntered out of the kitchen.
Oh, wait, I just remembered another positive event: I chose to not lick the spoon I'd used dish out my husband's salad dressing. It wasn't because I didn't want the calories. It was because I'd just brushed my teeth and I knew the garlic and cheese would leave a bad taste in my mouth--a taste I might be tempted to cover up by eating something else. Lesson learned: if you're tempted to eat something you shouldn't, go brush your teeth instead!
It's those little moments that add up to Bucket List Weight Loss. Communication with your gut is something I mention in BLWL Concept #2. That one's not about losing weight, but rather asking your stomach what it wants and listening for the answer. You have a miraculous machine down there which somehow manages to keep working regardless of the crap that our minds tell us to send down there. Have respect for it. Don't make it work so hard processing all that inferior fuel. Give it a rest.
That reminds me, I'm going to bed hungry tonight! Bring on that growly feeling!! I know tomorrow will be even better because of it!
Share your comments below!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Do you really need to journal?
Someone asked me if I "journal." This always makes me think of Weight Watchers, which teaches its devotees to write down everything they eat, every glass of water they drink, and every exercise they do throughout the day. It's a system that works wonders for lots of people, as it heightens our awareness of where those "hidden calories" (from licking the spoons and spatulas, for instance) come from.
I don't "food journal" anymore. I learned a great deal from the Weight Watchers experience, and had success with it...until I realized my somewhat OCD personality was kicking into high gear over the journaling thing. I became a slave to my journal and spent so much time counting "points" on the computer screen (I subscribed to the internet version) that it consumed my thoughts. With food journaling, focusing on food became the most important activity of the day. The whole point of my Bucket List Weight Loss system is to forgo the "diet mentality" and simply eat what your body says it needs. With BLWL, we literally put food on the back burner of our minds.
That said, journaling your thoughts is another issue. I guess that's basically how I got Bucket List Weight Loss written. That's also why I continue this blog. We all do a lot of "self talk," and sometimes we actually tell ourselves something so brilliant that it should be remembered.
Even if you never read your journal notes, the act of writing them down will help etch them in your mind so you can pull them up on your brainscreen at a later time and read them. more thought on the subject of food journaling. I do it in my head. You and I already know how many calories are in an egg, or an ounce of booze, or in a bottle of our favorite beer, or half a carton of Greek yogurt. It's easy to mentally keep track during the day without driving yourself crazy. Remember you're shooting for somewhere between 900 and 1300 calories a day if you want to lose weight.
Someone asked me if I "journal." This always makes me think of Weight Watchers, which teaches its devotees to write down everything they eat, every glass of water they drink, and every exercise they do throughout the day. It's a system that works wonders for lots of people, as it heightens our awareness of where those "hidden calories" (from licking the spoons and spatulas, for instance) come from.
I don't "food journal" anymore. I learned a great deal from the Weight Watchers experience, and had success with it...until I realized my somewhat OCD personality was kicking into high gear over the journaling thing. I became a slave to my journal and spent so much time counting "points" on the computer screen (I subscribed to the internet version) that it consumed my thoughts. With food journaling, focusing on food became the most important activity of the day. The whole point of my Bucket List Weight Loss system is to forgo the "diet mentality" and simply eat what your body says it needs. With BLWL, we literally put food on the back burner of our minds.
That said, journaling your thoughts is another issue. I guess that's basically how I got Bucket List Weight Loss written. That's also why I continue this blog. We all do a lot of "self talk," and sometimes we actually tell ourselves something so brilliant that it should be remembered.
- "I don't really want to lick that spoon because it will leave a bad taste in my mouth."
- "I'm waiting for the toast to pop up. This is the perfect time to do some side stretches."
- "Kitchen faucet dead ahead. Grab a sip of water."
- "I feel hunger pangs! Hallelujah, that means I'm losing weight!"
Even if you never read your journal notes, the act of writing them down will help etch them in your mind so you can pull them up on your brainscreen at a later time and read them. more thought on the subject of food journaling. I do it in my head. You and I already know how many calories are in an egg, or an ounce of booze, or in a bottle of our favorite beer, or half a carton of Greek yogurt. It's easy to mentally keep track during the day without driving yourself crazy. Remember you're shooting for somewhere between 900 and 1300 calories a day if you want to lose weight.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Excusing vs. Understanding
So we've gained back some weight. We have, after all, been yo-yoing all our lives, so the cycle is more natural than not. We all have our reasons, most of which we cannot excuse. Therefore, making excuses for our weight gains does us no good whatsoever, In fact, having "excuses" for something is a way of justifying--or making right--our behaviors.
Understanding our behaviors, however, is another matter. If we understand why an automobile quits functioning correctly, we'll know how to get it fixed. That makes a lot more sense than excusing the issue and buying a brand new car. It's the same with our weight control issues. If we understand why we regained the weight, we already have the tools and knowledge to fix the problem, especially if you've already read my book, Bucket List Weight Loss.
I totally understand why I've gained back 14 pounds over the past four years: I ate more calories than I was burning! More precisely, I exercised less because I was recovering from injuries. I "tasted" too much of the food I prepared for guests and parties. I drank more alcohol. I took a hiatus from yoga. I used food to keep awake while driving long distances to dog agility trials. I wrote a lot more magazine articles this year and had the Peanut M&Ms next to my computer to keep me there working to meet deadlines.
None of these, however, is an excuse. I should have found non-eating ways to deal with those situations, but I just got lazy. Now I have to become UN-lazy once again.
Understanding = Acceptance

Your lesson for today:
List the reasons why you've regained weight in the past year. Remember, they're not excuses! They are reasons! Come to understand the reasons, and then find the tools in Bucket List Weight Loss to fix the problem. Key words: water, movement, gut talk, hunger, whole foods, calorie-counting, daily weighing, no bandage eating (?!)
My numbers for Dec. 1:
- Weight: 161 pounds
- Ideal weight: 147.5
- Lowest weight in the past 4 years: 141.5
- Age: 62
- Height: 5'10"
- Size: 8 (barely)
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