
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Living for the moment

Oh, how we all fall victim to this!  And how can we not?  After all, we're constantly bombarded with these messages:
  • Life is short!
  • Carpe diem!
  • Enjoy the present!  
  • The present moment is all we have!

It's even easier to accept this mindset  after we've had an alcoholic beverage or two, and exponentially easier if we're drinking because we've had a bad day.

But wait a minute.

Remember what it was like when you were trying, at the last minute, to find something to wear to that special dinner, and none of your usual favorites fit?    Remember the frustration?  The tears?  The self loathing?

That all happened because you chose to "live for the present" a few too many times.  The "Oh, what the hell!" attitude was fine when you were alone, wearing your sweat suit in the kitchen, with nowhere to go that night.  But it caught up with you at a very important time, when looking and feeling good was critical to your self image.  Going to that dinner or special event, trussed up in something that neither looked or felt good, was not a pleasant experience.  You cursed all those "What the hell" moments all night long, and swore at yourself that something would have to change.

Don't change anything but how you look at those "Life is short!" moments.  Seize THOSE moments--when you are most vulnerable--and celebrate your STRENGTH rather than you WEAKNESS!  The next day you'll feel 10 times better about yourself and your life, and will have moved one step closer to the freedom of reaching into your closet and knowing that WHATEVER you pull out will fit and look wonderful on you.

For the full story, read Bucket List Weight Loss, an e-book that's downloadable to your tablet OR to your computer screen.  Available at for $2.99.  Click here.

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