
Monday, August 12, 2013

Act like a grown-up!

The adult inside you says, "I shouldn't eat that."
The child in you says, "But I want it so much."
The adult says, "No, I can't have it because it's not good for me."
The child says, "But I don't care!"
The adult:  "Why don't you care?  Be an adult!"
The petulant child screams, "I AM an adult, and that's why I can have anything I want!"

How ironic!  When we're young, we want to be adults so we can make our own decisions.  Yet the decisions we want to (and often do) make are often those of a petulant child.

We're children living in adult bodies.  The child wants to eat cookies until she feels sick.  The adult rationalizes that it's okay to do that.

GROW UP!!!!  Next time you catch yourself sounding and acting like a spoiled 8-year-old brat, remember that you're an adult and act like you have a brain.  Let the adult inside you calmly take over.  Walk away from the temptation.  Find an alternative activity.

It's the petulant child inside you that's allowed you to become overweight.  The adult in you knows better!  Tell that kid to shut his or her pie-hole (literally) and get a life...and there is no life in the bottom of a potato chip sack.

Common sense splashed in your face can feel as refreshing as a sprinkler on a hot day.  Find it here:

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