What started out as a "water fast" five days ago has morphed into VLC (very low calorie) liquid fast of not more than 400 calories a day. This is Day 5, I'm still on track, and I'm feeling surprisingly better than I have in a long time.

I'm doing this not to lose weight, but to lessen symptoms of fibromyalgia. The theory is that certain foods wreak havoc on the body of someone who has fibromyalgia. The most common symptom of FM is widespread pain, achiness and stiffness in the body's joints, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue. Other symptoms frequently include fatigue, lack of strength and stamina, headaches, digestive issues, foggy brain, chills and flu-like sensations. No one really knows what causes it, and there is no cure. There is, however, management. Since every FM victim's symptoms are different, each of has to learn what sets off a "flare" and how to minimize the voracity of it. A "flare" can happen without provocation or prediction, and can last for several days, rendering the victim to bed rest for the duration. It definitely has changed my lifestyle and caused me to slow down and even cut out some of my favorite activities. That's why I'm desperate to reclaim my former life as an active person, and that's why I'm fasting.

First I'm eliminating the toxins in my body. Next I'll gradually and carefully begin adding foods to see how my body responds to them. I suspect that sugar, alcohol, flour, excessive salt, chemicals, and possibly even red meat are contributors to my FM. So I'm "off" those for a while. My nutrition is coming from three Cambridge drinks
per day, supplemented with water and an occasional amino energy drink.
So far, here's what's happened after five days of my experiment:
Overall body pain--greatly diminished, almost gone. Still have
the "legitimate" arthritis-based stiffness of knees and shoulders, but far more mobility and range of motion. I can walk up and down stairs without groaning with
every step.
Energy--greatly enhanced! I don't feel sluggish or fatigued.
Mental clarity--more stable. Not moody.
Sleep--incredible. No restless legs. I sleep soundly for hours, and my dreams are pleasant.
Hunger--I'm truly not "hungry." My gut is empty but it's also QUIET.
Meds--Still can't believe I've gone nearly 5 days without ANY Excedrin.
I've ingested no alcohol, sugar, processed foods, etc., in five days and I feel markedly better. Hmmm.
I've discovered all those Excedrin and pain pills I've been taking weren't helping--and thus, weren't necessary! I see a future again. I'm making reservations for a Hawaii vacation next year, and for a cross-country ski trip in January. My clothes fit better.
So I guess I'll ride this trail for a while longer. Day 6, here we come. Cheers!
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