Then I heard from an old idol, who has inspired me to take the next big step in healing. Cindy Joseph is a supermodel--believe me, you have seen her--who first caught my eye about 15 years ago in a J. Jill catalog. Cindy's a "mature" model who broke the mold. She didn't start modeling until she was 49. She had long gray hair and wore minimal makeup. She emanated confidence and class. She made a HUGE impression on me.
I didn't know Cindy's name until a month ago when I discovered her new minimalist makeup line on the internet. It's called "Boom," and it's specifically for older women who are tired of painting on a mask every day to try to make themselves look younger. If you long for a 20-second makeup routine that complements your age and personality, rather than trying to disguise it, I suggest you look at her "Boomsticks." They're fabulous.
Anyway, I was so happy to have found Cindy again, learned her name, and read her philosophy for aging beautifully, that I emailed her to express my gratitude. I included a link to this blog. She responded with sincere warmth and said she'd just read my last post ("What's happened to me.") She suggested I research a health clinic called "True North" in Santa Rosa, California. She knew a 78-year-old woman who'd been 100 pounds overweight and had FM. The woman was now 85, had lost the excess weight, and was "cured" of FM.
I looked up the clinic and learned one of their primary healing techniques was water fasting. Drastic, yes, but apparently effective and safe if done under medical supervision. The theory behind water fasting is that your body, in a resting mode, can contribute all its energy to healing itself, rather than digesting food or trying to build muscle.
Since I'd long suspected certain foods and alcohol were exacerbating my FM symptoms, I committed to trying a water fast. That meant NOTHING would pass my lips except Excedrin, no vitamins, no caffeine, no chewing gum or breath mints. What did I have to lose except pain? If I dropped a few pounds in the process, so much the better. But that was definitely not my motivation.
So here's what's happening:
Day 1. Surprisingly easy. By 3pm I was so stiff I could scarcely move, and this I attributed to the lack of anti-inflammatories in my system. (I have routinely taken from two to six Excedrin daily for the past MANY years.) Aside from the stiffness, I felt okay--not particularly hungry. Before bed, I did "modify" the fast with a 110-calorie Cambridge drink, which I always keep on hand for emergencies. (Read Bucket List Weight Loss to understand my addiction to Cambridge.) I got up to pee four times that night.
Day 2. Woke with a screaming headache that spanned the width of my forehead, but getting out of bed was surprisingly easy. Usually I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck the day before, but on this day I felt like I'd maybe been bumped by a Volkswagen. The headache persisted, however. For me, a headache is incapacitating. So I gave in and took a migraine pill (Zomig is a wonder drug for me), had another 110-calorie Cambridge shake, and went back to bed. When I got up at noon, the headache was 80% gone, and I tiptoed quietly through the afternoon at home.

In addition to another liter of water, I had one more Cambridge shake that night. When I went to bed I was utterly amazed at how good I felt. I HADN'T TAKEN ANY EXCEDRIN IN TWO DAYS! Nor had I ingested any alcohol. sugar, salt, wheat, dairy or meat. I felt a calmness and serenity that gave me the best night's sleep I'd had in weeks.
Day 3. A breeze. In addition to water, I had three Cambridge shakes throughout the day (330 calories). Plus, I treated myself to the coconut milk/amino protein concoction (another 60 calories). My only big booboo was gulping down a Diet Pepsi after I'd mowed a very large lawn. I immediately regretted it, as I could feel that cold garbage sloshing around in my otherwise clean gut. So I chased it with a liter of water and got through the rest of the day. Once again, I retired to bed feeling utterly relaxed (no growly gut, no restless legs, no intense aches) and slept soundly with pleasant, entertaining dreams.
Day 4. TODAY. I feel so calm, physically and mentally. Not interested in running six miles, but I can't anyway. I will do some light exercises today and continue my water/Cambridge/amino energy regimen. I haven't felt this good in a long time.
Check in with me tomorrow. As long as I feel this good, I plan to continue. Maybe I'll even weigh myself tomorrow, but probably not. I don't even care about the weight. Getting rid of chronic pain is far more important!
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