
Thursday, May 30, 2013

A great natural appetite suppressant!

If you've ever planned an exciting trip, you know this sensation.  It starts months ahead of departure time.  Your mind is flooded with endorphins that create a kind of natural "high."  You see yourself on the plane, on the cruise ship, on the trail you've dreamed about for so long.  You imagine how you'll feel, what you'll be wearing, what foods you'll eat, the sounds, smells and other sensations that will surround you.

Anticipation is half the fun of a well planned trip!  You get to live the perfect experience in your head over and over before you actually do it for real.

Book your weight loss destination (Size 6, let's say) today. It's a big trip, so you'll need plenty of advance planning.  You should probably start a year in advance to fully enjoy the experience.  Book it right now and put down a nonrefundable deposit.

Hmmm....if this really were a dream trip, you'd be jumping for joy.  You're going to your bucket list destination, after all. 

So why not embrace the excitement of getting to this other Bucket List destination (the Size 6)?  Think about how wonderful it WILL be (not how wonderful it "could" be).  You're going there.  You've made a deposit!  Next time you feel hungry, or next time you feel like snacking, rejoice!!!  You're getting closer to your destination because you will RESIST the temptation.  Rather than feel deprived or resentful because you're not eating, feel strong and empowered because you don't cave in.

Onward!  Keep your eyes on the prize ahead!

Download the book, Bucket List Weight Loss, to your reader or computer.  $2.99.

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