
Friday, May 10, 2013

How much time do you have left?

We call certain things "bucket list" items.  Not goals.  Not dreams.  Those are all different.

When I hear "bucket list," I feel a little pressure from the old ticking clock.  If something's on your "bucket list," it means you'd really like to do it before you die.  You're not quite sure you'll get the chance, but you're pretty sure you'll regret it if you don't at least give it a try.

Losing weight was a "bucket list" item for me.  I'd been bulky all my life and had just about accepted the fate of being that way for the duration.  I also wanted to go to Antarctica.  And hike down into the Grand Canyon and back.  Antarctica's too darn expensive.  I might still do the Canyon if my knees hold up.  But the "losing weight" part is now off the list.  Done it!  Ironically, it was at the top of my list.  Ironically, it didn't cost me anything!  Ironically, now that I've lost the weight, my knees will probably hold up for that Grand Canyon trip in the future.

How much time do you have left to work on your own bucket list?  If losing weight is on it, know that it's entirely possible to reach that Size 8, or 6, or 4, even if you've been a Size 18 all your adult life.  It simply takes some lifestyle changes that are neither difficult nor hurtful.  Don't diet.  Just live right, and become naturally thin.  Don't let your lights go out without accomplishing this thing that is important to you.  Don't die with regrets.

How much time to you have left? 

Bucket List Weight Loss, an e-book by Jan Manning, available for download on all computer and reader formats.

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