
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My all-time favorite diet book

I gotta be honest.  My all-time favorite, and the most personally effective diet book I've ever read, is the one I wrote and published last December.  Bucket List Weight Loss tells my story of 40 years of weight struggles, and it chronicles how I finally got to where I am now, wearing a Size 6, and where I plan to finish out my life.

Half the reason I wrote the book was so I'd have a personal reminder...a documented approach to what I did (and why) to lose 40 pounds once and for all.  The other half of the reason was so I could share it with others.  It seemed so simple, after all, that just about anyone should be able to do it.

Every couple months I re-read it as a refresher course, and it gives me the inspiration and confidence to keep doing what I'm doing to stay thin.

Two other books that stand out from the pile of diet books I've read over the years:
Diets Don't Work (Bob Schwartz) and The Story of Weight Watchers (Jean Nidetch).  Like Bucket List Weight Loss, they're both full of personal anecdotes to which I can relate.  They're also heavy on common sense.  You know as well as I do that you won't get permanently skinny by drinking diet milkshakes or buying pre-packaged diet foods.  You need the same reminding I do:  losing weight (and keeping it off) requires lifestyle changes, none of which need be unpleasant.

Until you write your own book on the subject (and I encourage you to do it!), get mine and re-read it every so often.  It's an easy read, and it will help get you back on track if think you're about to derail.

Bucket List Weight Loss, an e-book by Jan Manning.  $2.99.  Available for instant download to Kindle, Nook, iPad, other reading devices, and your home computer, from all major internet book dealers including

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