
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Weighing yourself  as a biology experiment

Some people advocate weighing yourself only once a week.  Some would say never.  I say once a day, but not so you can praise or punish yourself every day at 7 a.m.  I say do it as a biology experiment that teaches you about your inner "clock."

You'll discover there's neither rhyme nor reason for your daily weight fluctuations.  If you're 153 this morning, change nothing about your diet, and weigh in at 156 tomorrow--and if you can trust your scale--then you'll know your body found an excuse to retain extra fluid.  No big deal.  Weigh yourself the next day and you may be down to 151.  (Remember that a quart of water weighs two pounds!)

Your body may also have a delayed reaction, weight-wise, to something you fed it several days earlier.  Fat takes a while to "settle", so when you overindulge on Monday, don't be shocked if it doesn't show up on the scale till Thursday.

So what good is the scale if you can't trust it on daily readings?  Oh, but you can trust it.  Just beware that most of your body is liquid, and that you'll be retaining water for various reasons, some of which seem inexplicable.  Don't argue with the scale and don't get angry with it.  The scale is inanimate and objective tool..  You could be one five-mile walk or one trip to the bathroom away from losing a couple pounds. 

When the scale truly  "does a number" on you, shrug it off and do the biology.  What have you eaten that would cause you to retain water so drastically?  Is it hormonal?  Was it the high-sodium soup you had for dinner last night?  The variables are many.  If you're inexplicably up from yesterday, remember that you are not necessarily any "fatter" than you were yesterday.  The weight gain is temporary, which you will happily verify when you weigh tomorrow!

My book, Bucket List Weight Loss, tells you how you can finally lose that 40 pounds without diets or supplements,  live out the rest of your life with better health , and be the size of your dreams.

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