A horribly dirty trick
You've no doubt seen those boxes of snack foods so thoughtfully pre-packaged in 100-calorie servings. Is this a good thing? NO! This is a horrid, dangerous marketing ploy!!
The 100-calorie packages are like the devil luring you down the road to diet hell. They're saying, "It's okay, because we're just 100 calories. You have portion control with us." Remember what those 100-calorie packages are made of: processed sugar, fat, salt, high fructose corn syrup, chemical preservatives, chemical coloring and chemical taste enhancers.

So let's say you indulge in one of those 100-calorie snacks--Oreos, Doritos, peanut butter crackers,--around mid-morning. The chain reaction that can start in your body is enough to sabotage your entire day of good intentions. The junk ingredients will spike your blood sugar, which will then crash, and you'll be tempted to self-medicate with
more junk. So you're either going to cave in and grab several more 100-calorie packages, or you face a very depressing rest of the day because you'll be craving more junk food all day like an addict needing another fix.

A drug addict isn't going to discipline herself to a tiny bit of her drug each day. She'll want--and get--more, one way or another.
If you have such a problem with snack foods that you must discipline yourself to 100-calorie packages, then you shouldn't be messing with them AT ALL. Avoid the 100-calorie packages as if they're dangerous, addictive drugs...because they are!
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