
Saturday, March 16, 2013

What to do with tempting leftovers

So you splurged.  Made a cake and ate too much of it.  Now you're suffering remorse and you have some left.  You know if you keep it around, it'll end up in your stomach, and then on your butt.  What to do?

Assuming you don't have a skinny family member or a nice neighbor you can give it to immediately, you can freeze it or throw it away.

Freezing works sometimes.  But it's still there, luring you.  Besides, we've all discovered that frozen cake can be just as satisfying as warm cake, right?

We could throw it away in the heat of good intention.  But we've all been known to retrieve such goodies from the garbage too, right?

Here's a better option:  wreck it.  Run water on it, throw other plate scrapings on top of it, pour bacon grease on it.  Ruin it first....then throw it away.  The finality of it will feel good to your brain.  It will no longer hauntingly call your name from the garbage can.

Act quickly and decisively.  And remember: it would have been garbage to your system anyway.

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