I remember sitting at a desk job and not being able to function because all I could think about was escaping to Safeway and buying some apple fritters at the bakery counter.
I remember looking forward to driving to work so I could gorge myself on Hot Tamales candy on the way.
Yes, I remember those awkward moments...but I can't remember the last time I truly craved any food. My cravings are history. How did I get so lucky? I stopped eating a few foods that disagreed with my digestive system. The cravings stopped cold. My appetite diminished, and I lost weight without even trying.
The same thing may happen to you, as you start to identify "problem foods" that set off chain reactions of indigestion, blood sugar spikes and crashes, growling stomach and cravings for bad things like cookies, candy and chips.
Cravings, it seems, are a bad reaction to foods that aren't kind to your system. Identify those trigger foods, eliminate them, and your cravings will stop.
You can read more about it in Bucket List Weight Loss, an e-book available on Amazon.com.
Jan, as you know, I've given up starchy carbs for Lent. About a week later I was at the grocery store and passed the fresh baked donuts. I looked at them and thought about them. As I passed on I got a whiff. They did not smell good at all. I think I've taken the first step toward kicking out those bad carbs for good.