
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Not sexy 

I have a male friend who's shaped like a balloon with piano legs.  He insists he's in great shape, that he works out every day, and that he really doesn't eat "that much."

"It's all solid," he says, referring to the belly that strains over his belt buckle.

Hmmm....I don't buy it.  He looks like his belly would pop and send him airborne around the room if I poked it with a needle.  He didn't get that way by working out and watching what he ate.  He'd like to find a girlfriend, but I frankly don't know any women who are attracted to that look.  And let's face it, while looks aren't everything, they're mighty important when it comes to making first impressions with the opposite sex.

My friend could change his shape if he really wanted to. He'd have to eat and drink a lot less, but he could do it.  That rotundness isn't muscle or internal organs or skeletal structure.  It's fat.

Women stress more about their weight and their appearance than men; that's hard-wired.  But we women really appreciate it when our men make an effort to keep themselves trim, attractive and healthy as well.  And we show ways that most men like!

The e-book, Bucket List Weight Loss, has some strong words for men who've allowed themselves to develop "Dunlaps Disease" (a condition where the belly "done laps over" the belt buckle). Men, lose the belly by drastically reducing your caloric intake.  Add some crunches so you can see that six-pack that's been hiding under the fat.  Your love life will improve dramatically, and you'll probably live longer to actually enjoy it.

Bucket List Weight Loss, an e-book for $2.99.  Click here to order and download to your computer or reading device.

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