
Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Pipe dream" 
  • A fantastic but vain hope. 
  • A vain dream that will never happen, given the harsh reality of life.
  • Synonym for illusion.
  • Example:  "I have this dream of some day being a Size 6."

Whatever your biggest dream...if you ever call it a "pipe dream," you are giving yourself LICENSE TO FAIL.

I used to think that being a Size 6 was a "pipe dream."  I thought my big frame would only get so small--like maybe a nice Size 10--and that's as far as I could go.  Fortunately, I realized I was wrong and easily melted off a few more layers of fat.  Voila!  There was a Size 6 frame lurking under all of it.  My joints thanked me.  They no longer hurt!  Sure, Size 10 may have been "good enough" for today's normally overweight society, but the extra 20 pounds off my joints was the real treat.  Having gone through four total hip replacements already (yup, both hips twice), I am determined to keep my latest set in working order as long as I can!

What was once a "pipe dream" became a if it were meant to be!  Eliminate the pipe dreams from your life, and start making plans instead!


  1. Well, you ruined M&Ms for me! But you're right about reading labels first. I've been pretty shocked at what's in a bag. If we shop the perimeter of grocery stores we'll avoid the "bags" and processed foods for the most part.

  2. Amazing how much strength it takes to read the calorie content before we eat something we think we want. It truly is worth a "double dog dare." But it sure works!
